Stock Update
Thought I'd update things. I sold my position in CHRW at loss today after what I felt was a pretty bad conference call. This company has been excellent in the past, and may be in the future, but I just didn't like what I was hearing. I had waited a long time for it to come into price range and was thinking it'd be one I bought and held for a long time.
Overall I've added some positions since last time. Here's what things look like now.
INTC Intel - still my largest holding, but it's just not moving, and seems like results keep getting pushed out into the future. It pays a nice dividend, but I'm expecting some capital gains at some point.
BRK.B - Berkshire Hathaway
CMI Cummins
NEU NewMarket
CTSH Cognizant Tech
OUTR Outerwall (Coinstar) - recently announced very good results
QCOM Qualcom - I'm glad I picked them up as a rider to INTC. They're executing better.
LQDT Liquidity Services. A new position from a while back. Good report recently
CHKP Checkpoint software
GEOS Geospace - a new position from a while back. I'm down on this one so far but like what I heard in the conference call.
VMI Valmont Industries
SNI Scripps Networks
CF CF Industries
PETM PetSmart. A new position from a couple weeks back.
AFL AFLAC. A new position. I normally try to stay away from financial companies (with exception of BRK.B), but this looked good to me and I sortof understand the insurance market.
FFIV F5 Networks
HFC Holly Frontier
TCX Tucows. This was a small position for me that I hadn't listed, but it has grown into a decent size - enough to list it here.
DE Deere and co. Relatively new addition.
GES Guess. I've had this a long time for dividend and what I thought would be cap appreciation, but it really hasn't done much and retail trends don't seem favorable to me.
Other smaller positions include: TIVO, CRUS, DHX, PETS